13.0 Benchmark tests

To test the potential field algorithms employed within gmg, two benchmark models are provided for comparison with the analytical solutions for simple two dimensional shapes.

13.1 Gravity modelling benchmark: Buried cylinder

Please see A1 for details regarding the 2D gravity anomaly algorithm used within gmg. The example shown in this description can be replicated by the user using the files stored in demos/GRAVITY:

    - A layer with 24 nodes representing the circumference of a buried cylinder

    - A layer with 24 nodes representing the circumference of a buried cylinder

    - The predicted anomaly from this cylinder (density contrast 250 kg m^-3)

Step 1: Create a new model

Once you have opened GMG create a new model by navigating to the Menubar and selecting:

File -> New model...

In this example, we’ll create a spanning x=0 to x=50 km and z=0 to z=15 km and the calculation increment as 0.1 km.

Step 2: Load the observed gravity anomaly

Load the observed gravity anomaly. This was calculated using the analytical solution for a buried cylinder extending infinitely in the 3rd dimension given by, for example, Heiland (1940) [4] Pg. 153.

To load observed anomaly navigate to Gravity in the Menubar. Next, select Load Gravity Anomaly. Now, navigate to the file grav_cylinder_analytical_anomaly.xa and select it:

Gravity -> Load Gravity Anomaly -> Select file to load

Finally, give your observed anomaly a name, for example, observed_anom.

Step 3: Load a discretised representation of a buried cylinder

Now, load a gmg layer representation of the buried cyclinder used to calculate the observed anomaly.

To load the layer, navigate to Layers in the Menubar. Next, select Load Layer…. Finally, navigate to the file 24_nodes_cylinder_layer.txt and select it.

The cylinder layer, consisting of 24 nodes, should appear in within your model.

Step 4: Set the density contrast

Under the right hand Layer Attributes window navigate to density and set the value as 0.25 (i.e., 250 \(kg\ m^{-3}\)). The click the Set button.

Step 5: Turn on the gravity calculator

In the Toolbar find the G button (third in from the left). This is used to switch the gravity response calculation on and off. Click the button and the calculated anomaly will appear in the gravity frame.

Note there is a slight mismatch between the observed and calculated anomaly near the peak. This is due to the missing mass around the edge of the cylinder, given we have dicretised it with a series of straight lines.

Step 6: Calculate the root-mean-square misfit

In order to assess the goodness of fit between the observed and calculated anomaly, a simple root-mean-square (RMS) misfit may be calculated by navigating to:

Gravity -> Set RMS Input...

Now, select your observed anomaly as the input file. You’ll see the RMS value, 0.1979 mGal, is now displayed in the Statusbar at the base of the modelling frame. The RMS as a function of distance along the transect will also be displayed as a purple line in the gravity data frame.

Step 7: Test the difference using a more accurate cylinder representation

Now, lets try loading the layer file 360_nodes_cylinder_layer.txt in the same way we did in Step 3. Again, set the density contrast as 250 \(kg\ m^{-3}\). Both cylinders will now be contributing to the calculated gravity response, so, the RMS value will be large. Try switching off the contribution from layer 1 by unchecking its tick box under the Layers window. We see now the RMS value decreases to 0.0007 mGal, much reduced relative to the previous value. This is because we have added most of the mass missing from the cylinder discretised with only 24 nodes.

13.2 Magnetic benchmark

Please see A2 for details regarding the 2D magnetic anomaly algorithm used within gmg.

To benchmark the magnetic anomaly algorithm we can, similarly to as done above for the gravity algorithm, compare the anomaly produced by the algorithm with an analytical solution for a buried cylinder. In the case of a magnetic anomaly this solution is given by, for example, Sleep & Fujita (1997) Pg. 223 eq. 6.45 [8].

\[\Delta T = f \kappa r^2 \frac{(x_{i}-x)^2 - z^2}{2((x_{i}-x)^2 + z^2)^2}\]

where \(\Delta T\) is the magnetic anomaly, \(r\) is the radius of the cylinder, \(f\) is the inducing (Earth) field, \(\kappa\) is the magnetic susceptibility of the cylinder, \(x_{i}\) is the x-coordinate of the observation point and \(x\) and \(z\) are the x and z coordinates of the center of the cylinder, respectively.

The files for this comparison can be found in the directory demos/MAGNETICS. The files are as follows:

    - The predicted anomaly from this cylinder (magnetic susceptibility 0.001)

In this example, the analytical solution was calculated using a magnetic susceptibility of 0.001. The Earth’s magnetic field was set as 50,000 nT, both magnetic declination and inclination were 0 degrees and the model profile was assumed to run North-south (i.e., angles A, B and C are all equal to zero).

Step 1: load the observed magnetic anomaly

We will continue with the model created for the gravity benchmark test as outlined above.

To load observed magnetic anomaly, navigate to Magnetics in the Menubar. Next, select Load Magnetic Anomaly…. Now, navigate to the file mag_cylinder_analytical_anomaly.xa and select it:

Magnetics -> Load MAgnetic Anomaly -> Select file to load

Finally, give your observed anomaly a name, for example, observed_anom.

Step 2: Set the magnetic properties for each layer

With layer 1 (i.e., the 24 node cylinder) selected, navigate to Susceptibility under the right hand Layer Attributes window and set the value as 0.001. Now, leave angles A, B and C as zero and set F (Earth’s field) as 50,000. Finally, click the Set button.

Step 3: Turn on the magnetic calculator

In the Toolbar find the M button (fifth in from the left). This is used to switch the magnetic response calculation on and off. Click the button and the calculated anomaly will appear in the magnetics frame.

Note, similarly to the gravity anomaly there is a slight mismatch between the observed and calculated anomaly near the peak. Again, this is due to the missing mass around the edge of the cylinder, given we have dicretised it with a series of straight lines.

Step 4: Calculate the root-mean-square misfit

In order to assess the goodness of fit between the observed and calculated anomaly, a simple root-mean-square (RMS) misfit may be calculated by navigating to:

Magnetics -> Set RMS Input...

Now, select your observed anomaly as the input file. You’ll see the RMS value, 0.0445 nT, is now displayed in the Statusbar at the base of the modelling frame. The RMS as a function of distance along the transect will also be displayed as a purple line in the gravity data frame.

Step 5: Test the difference using a more accurate cylinder representation

Select layer 2 (i.e., the 360 node cylinder) and set it’s susceptibility to 0.001 and f to 50,000 nT. Now, switch off the contribution from layer 1 by unchecking its tick box under the Layers window. We see now the RMS value decreases to 0.0002 nT. As with the gravity anomaly, this much reduced relative to the previous value, as we have added most of the mass missing from the cylinder discretised with only 24 nodes.

13.3 Summary

These tests have demonstrated the accuracy of the 2D potential field algorithms employed within gmg. The RMS values calculated for the gravity and magnetic anomalies are very small for the 24 node discretisation and negligible for the 360 node case.

It is hoped that these tests have provided the user with a feel for the accuracy and limitations of the 2D algorithms incorporated within gmg (For example, the accuracy of the calculated anomaly is dependent on the number of nodes used) and provided a quick and easy introduction to key features within the software.


The algorithms used within gmg are currently 2D implementations. As such, the calculated anomalies assume all model layers extend infinitely in the 3rd dimension. This can result in an underestimation of, for example, a layers density contrast, as it’s infinite extent will result in a larger gravity response to that of a finite length body. Incorporating extent-limited (i.e., 2.5D) algorithms is a key focus of future development.