6.0 Well Data

6.1 Loading well data

To load a well (borehole) record select the Well menu in the Menubar and select Load…* Or select the load well icon. Then, navigate to the file containing the well record to load.


These files should be ASCII text files formatted as shown in the example below file. The header can contain any user defined metadata. This example includes the well coordinates and elevation. The record then contains the elevation of the well top, X position in model coordinates and then the horizon names and depths. Note the unit used for elevation and horizon depths must be km (same as the model frame).

# HEADER: easting=393756 northing=542789 elevation(Ordnance Datum)=1058.92ft=322.758816m
elevation: -0.32276
x_position: 21.789
Granite 0.06724
Well_Bottom 0.48525

Once the well record is load into the model, you can increase and decrease the label text size using the slider in the left hand menu. Each well can be hidden/shown by selecting the well name under Well… in the Wells menu.