6.0 Adding Outcrop data

Now that we’ve created a floating layer to represent the Weardale granite, we are almost ready to begin forward modelling to recover its subsurface structure. But in order to further reduce ambiguity lets first add all of the complementary data we have to the modelling environment. First, lets add some geological surface markers.

The geological map of Kimbell et al., (2010) shows that there are several surface contacts between geological units along our model profile. Lets load the contact points into the model frame to aid in the modelling of the upper sedimentary section, which also contributes to the observed gravity and magnetic anomalies.

Several fault traces also intersect our model profile, so lets load these locations. To load outcrop data, navigate to:

Outcrop Data -> Load Outcrop Data...

Now select the File… button and use the file explorer to navigate to and select the file geol_outcrops.xy. This file is located in the directory:


Here, St=Stainmore Formation and AL_GS=Alston Formation and Great Scar Limestone Group.

Several fault traces also intersect our model profile, so lets load these locations as well by repeating the process with the file fault_locations.xy.

You can change the font size of the outcrop labels by using the *Label Text Size* slider in the Layer Attributes control panel.

If required, you can also delete the outcrop data by navigating to:

Outcrop Data -> Outcrop Data... -> *Name* -> delete observed data