5.0 Loading well data

THe Rookhope exploration well was drilled above the Weardale granite between November 1960 - July 1961 in order to prove its existence. The well was drilled at a location 322.76 m Above mean sea level (AMSL) and revealed a 390 m thick sequence of Carboniferous sediment before penetrating the granite (at a depth of 67.24 m BMSL) and continued through the granite reaching a bottom depth of 808 m (485.25 m BMSL) while still within the pluton.

This record provides a``ground-truth” point with which to constrain our forward model. THe petrological data from the well also provides constrain on the density of the granite.

Now lets load the well record into our modelling environment by navigating to:

Well data -> Load well record...

Now use the file explorer to navigate to the file Rookhope.txt located in the directory:


You will be prompted to provide a name for the new well record, let call it Rookhope.

The well record will now be visible in the model frame. We can hide/show the well by navigating to:

Well data -> Wells... -> Rookhope -> Hide/Show

We can also change the text size of the well horizons labels using the Label Text Size slider in the Layer Attributes tool box located on the left hand side of the modelling environment.