7.0 Adding XY data

We can load XY data points into the model frame by using the *XY Data* menu located in the Menubar. XY data can be used to represent any subsurface data type, for example, earthquake hypocenters. In this case we will load in seismic reflection horizon picks take from a depth convert seismic reflection profile (Note these picks are hypothetical and were created specifically for use in this tutorial).

We will load two horizons. The first is taken from the top of a band of reflectivity interpreted to represent the base of the Weardale granite. The second is take from the base of the same band of reflectivity. Together, these horizons place bounds on the depth of the base of the granite.

To load these XY data, navigate to:

XY Data -> Load XY Points...

Now select the File… button and use the file explorer to navigate to and select the file Weardale_seismic_reflection_picks_top_depth_converted.xy. This file is located in the directory:


Repeat this process for the file Weardale_seismic_reflection_picks_bottom_depth_converted.xy.

There are several faults in this region across which the thickness of the sedimentary rocks varies significantly. Lets load some hypocenter locations to help map these structures (again, these data are hypothetical and were created specifically for use in this tutorial).

Repeat the XY data loading process, but this time, lets load the file Weardale_eqs.xy.